Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Reading glasses - a variety of styles and designs

Reading glasses come in a wide variety of styles and designs. But how do you choose a pair of

">cheap reading glasses? If in doubt you should always consult a qualified optometrist. However once you have a prescription it is possible to buy reading glasses online conveniently and quickly and at low cost. But how do you choose a pair of reading glasses?


Reading glasses come in two different styles; half and full lens. Half lenses are ideal for people who need to do both close up and distance work such as reading presentations. They allow the wearer to glance down for close work but see at a distance.


The strength of prescription reading glasses are usually given in numbers such as 1.0 to 1.5 The higher the number, the stronger the glasses will be. For reading glasses bought over the counter it is not normally possible to find different strength lenses for each eye.


Reading glasses can be a fashion statement just as much as any other accessory. Online glasses stores usually offer the lastest and widest range of trends at prices that mean you can mix and match your glasses to match your outfits.

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